I Can Math (ICM) is a non‑profit organization founded in 2017 to help preschool children in Arizona improve and expand their early math foundational skills. ICM also supports future teachers (college students) in hands-on experiences (the ICM program and curriculum) to further their understanding of the importance of math education.
The I Can Math model collaborates with children, college students and preschool classrooms. The success of the program relies on the unique partnership between all members.
Additional Programs and Opportunities

Professional Development and Trainings​
I Can Math provides professional development to teachers, administrators, parents and community members. For more information, please visit our Trainings page.

Teacher-Led Curriculum
Schools interested in a teacher-led curriculum have the option to purchase the curriculum and materials. An ICM representative provides an initial training and two follow-up visits/trainings to support teachers implementing this type of curriculum.