Spatial relationships are an easy way to incorporate an early math skill in to your preschoolers life. Read below on how to begin using them today!

This week our ASU interns will working on lessons focusing on spatial relationships. Spatial relationships explore the idea of where objects are in relation to something else. For example, the girl might be above the jump rope, next to her friends or underneath the sun (don’t forget sunscreen!). The ball might be next to the bin, in the closet or in the hoop (swish!). Spatial relationships are the key to understanding directional phrases and are often called position words because they indicate where an item is positioned. Learning about position words helps children talk about where things are located.
In ICM, we dedicate two weeks to spatial relationships. This allows children to understand the words and use them in practice. Position words are often the easiest math skill you can do with your young child. It requires virtually no materials and often helps children develop communication skills.
Here are some tips for using position words with your preschooler:
· Talking about the position of people and objects (“The show is next to the door”)
· Model appropriate vocabulary and gently correct children if they use the
word incorrectly
· Avoid phrases such as “over there” or “right there” and instead say “It is next to the chair” or “It is on top of the table”.

Some fun games to play with your child to increase spatial relationships include:
· Hiding an object and playing hot or cold with directions
· Simon Says with position words (“Simon says put your hand on your head” “Simon says put your hand behind your back”)
· Building with blocks and using position words
· Incorporating the ICM curriculum activities at home (visit our online store to purchase a spatial relationships book and activity for only $10)
Watch the video below with Miss Candace on how to work with your child on a self-portrait, an easy and fun way to help children understand position words! When drawing,
help your child place body parts in the correct position while using position words.
Position words are used everyday and are all around us! Let us know how you are using position words with your preschooler!
Happy Mathing,
-The ICM team