Check out our summer curriculum boxes to keep your preschool entertained through those long, hot months! New boxes available each month. Read below to see which box is right for your little learner!
Option 1:

Materials included: The ICM bug box includes two stories and four activities and includes the following materials: Crayons/Markers, Base 10 blocks, dry erase markers, die, butterfly symmetry sheet, laminated ladybug sheet, and bug movement cards.
Curriculum Area: Symmetry, measuring, patterns, and number recognition with counting
Ages: 4-5
Option 2:

Materials included: The beach box includes two stories and three activities; Materials included are pattern cards, sandcastle shapes, ice cream cone pieces and a die.
Curriculum Area: Patterns, Shapes, and Counting
Ages: 3-4
Option 3:

Materials included: The 4th of July box includes two stories and 3 activities! Activities include: Flag decorating with patterns, star counting and number recognition and sorting stars by size! Materials include star sorting sheet, different size stars, number flashcards, clothespins, flag cutout, pompoms, stars, glue and a popsicle stick to wave your flag!
Curriculum Area: Classification, counting, number recognition, and patterns
Ages: 3-5

Option 4:
Materials included: Box includes two stories, 4 activities (for up to 4 children), crayons and dry erase markers.
Curriculum Area: Patterns, Classification
Ages: 3+
Wishing you a wonderful and safe summer!
The ICM Team